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Anhui Good Person Museum to open before May
Updated: 2014-02-27

Before May Day of 2014, citizens will be able to learn about good persons in Anhui city and their good deeds in the new Anhui Good Person Museum.

The Good Person Museum will be located at the old Anhui Provincial Museum.

There are altogether 154 museums in Anhui province to date, including some private ones. The Huaibei City Museum, the Huainan City Museum and the West Anhui Museum are included among the list of 52 national second-level museums. Eight museums in Anhui, including the Ma'anshan city museums, are on the list of 144 third-level museums.

A total of 113 museums and memorials have been incorporated into livelihood projects. They are free and open for performance evaluation. An estimated 17.8 million people, including 8.16 million teenagers, visited the museums for free last year. The Yangtze Crossing Campaign Memorial alone accounts for one million of the total number.

The Anhui Museum is cooperating with all public museums and some private ones in the province to form a coalition. Once achieved, museum resources will be better integrated, meaning citizens will be able to visit better museums with shorter commutes.